me and the rabbits

me and the rabbits

Sunday 11 September 2011

On wednesday 7th  of september my rabbit SMIGGLE got very sick.
She grew a red bubble on her eye and when I looked out the window her eye had a red bubble on it.
It looked like she was evil.
I told mum and that night she went to the vet.
She stayed at the vet that night.
The next morning I went to school when I came home from school miss know it all was crying there was a box in the car.
when I got in the car my mum told me the sad story , here is what she said: "today the vet rang me and said SMIGGLE was veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery sick on the inside and it was very painful she was going to die but they gave her an injection to stop her heart beating''.
and SMIGGLE died on the thursday 8th of september

Saturday 27 August 2011

Hi it's me again , miss cutey pants . I've a awesome family there is my dad (super man)
my mum (wonder woman)  my sister (miss know it all) my brother (spider man) and me ( miss cutey pants).
I have a top secret sister.
Oh and SMIGGLE AND FLOPSY are part of my family.
  And that rabbit at the top of my blog is SMIGGLE.
love miss cutey pants ,

Tuesday 5 July 2011

the lost bunny

Last week we had a sad story with a happy ending.  I left the cage open and the bunnies escaped!  I might have not! We just don't know, but I did get frightened about a possible weta and I could have left the door open.
Anyway, both bunnies were gone for two days because when we checked on Saturday they were gone.
We found Smiggles hiding in the bushes by our next door neighbours house.  She was okay but she really missed her sister Flopsy.
But we didn't find Flopsy and it was so sad.  I couldn't get sadder you know.
We were so concerned that Flopsy was hurt.  She didn't come home for four days.
We put lost bunny flyers in all the neighbourhood letterboxes.  It was so terrible and Smiggles just sat in the corner of her cage day and night not keeping warm or eating.
But...on Monday morning our neighbours came to the front door and they had found Flopsy!
We had to catch her two times because she really liked to be free.
So, the sad story had a happy ending.

Thursday 16 June 2011

On the 16th of june 2011 we got a new cage for the rabbits.It is enormous. they love love love it.Its got doors on the side and doors on the roof and doors everywhere and it takes up loads of space.When they are in side there new cage they feel like there in a freedom castle.But we keep having to move the cage around
because they keep on pooing in the space where we put it.I love love love love the bunnys Iknow they are ment to be called rabbits but I think the word bunny is cuter.Here is a fact ,did you know that bunnys grow
from 5 to 8 months then they stop is another fact about bunnys,they live to 10 years but if you treat them nicely they live longer.    

Friday 10 June 2011

the life of miss cutey pants

Hi, I'm miss cutey pants and my life is beautiful.  I have 2 rabbits my one is called SMIGGLE and my sisters one is called FLOPSY . They are both twins  and they are 11 months old (they are quite big for 11 months).  And are you wondering what breed they are? Well they are mini lops.  Daddy got them for us on fathers day which was my wish come true you see I was always wishing for 1 pet rabbit but I got 2 .
Yes I was very lucky.  They are definitely heaps of  fun! Rabbits are my favourite animals.